Tuesday, December 21, 2010


            I don't have a perfect reason why i hate maths but a small incident i can tell you why it would be... This story is about 12-14 years back(when i was in my 4th or 5th standard i don't remember properly but see this its very funny) i had taken leave for 2 days for some reason next day i went to school..My maths teacher said "oho do you think you are hero to take 2 days leave take this problem come and do it on the board"(*till that i was good at maths).. i was afraid of her.. i went near board forgot how to do that simple problem.. she hitted me like anything.. that day i decided beat me how much ever you want i won't perform well in maths forever.. This was that stupid incident.. after that my teachers struggled to teach me maths... :P

           After this i never scored well in maths i was feeling like that kid in Taare Zameen Par whenever i was doing maths problems.. i was doing all those problems according to me.. if there is some problem like prove this... for example 2+2*2/2=4 i would do it in my own way.. and prove that 2+2*2/2 will be 4 if my answer was 2 or something I was adding some theorems name in middle... according to theorem-12... 2*2=4 and make my answer as 4... :P 

             I was really getting irritated whenever its maths class especially when i see those cos theta, sin theta etc.. and my greatest question was why this x tends to zero???  i was thinking every time why do we require all this stupid things to count our salary???



Monday, December 20, 2010

                   I love watching animated movies... like ice age, Madagascar, Tom and Jerry's and many more... the animated movies are really good one's they don't contain much violence, no bad things, not abusing words in those... and i will be looking at those pictures, what a quality they contain... its so tough to draw all those..one and same.. which should be followed till the end of those movies... it should not be bigger or smaller.. same quality... God!! those are amazing... 

                  Those funny words they use in cartoons are too good... one and all should watch this ice age and Madagascar am sure you'll enjoy those.. ice age is such a movie about friendship and love.. in middle of the movie our mind says we are missing our friends.... it has got such a good message in that movie.. even in every parts of that movie.. and even Madagascar.. the dance of the lion.. is too good to watch.. and penguins ideas are awesome... and old lady rocks... a fun filled cartoons... Enjoy those.. You will be wise when you enjoy your life as a Child.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

               We are those guys who can work in any environment... We need to be in high post directly we don't think step-wise something like landing directly on the top of the building without the help of stairs... I used stairs here because we guys are not gifted one...

               We See some of our friends without any toughness they can reach their goals but someone like us can't do those even we are doing the same work... sometimes we will teach them work but they'll reach to the before us( later we'll also do :P )..

               In my words I say this like we are going in stairs they'll go in lift.. that's it.. friends don't worry we will also reach their as we are in we should atleast finish the  before the time...


Friday, December 17, 2010

                  We are the people who think 10 times to spend even a single rupee. We almost work for where its just hard work not a smart one.. We have got talent but no platform to prove ourselves, in us there's a film director, a singer, a writer, a action master, a actor, actress, worker, thinker, adviser But We don't have a "PRODUCER" that's our drawback... 

                   In my language we build dreams with out constructing pillars... Mistakes teachs us often.. & we get hurt by those who tease about our middle class level, funny thing is we there that arey!! get lost one or the other day ill recruit you as my worker and ill kick your like anything. 

                             We make unique style of ourselves... we have one branded jeans

which will be worn till its torn and we wont leave that if its torn also we'll cut it half and make as 
3/4th night pants... We buy our dress from local shops but very choosy it should contain atleast a brand name on it and less price and pose it as we got it from a branded showroom(fact is someone who buys from branded showroooms also wont pose like that)..

                        We eat at roadside and Tweet God!! it was awesome lunch today in .. but we choose our food very carefully... we need it tasty.. less priced.. and our common dialogue will be "am damn sure that we wont get such a tasty food even in 7-star hotels..(we dont even enter 5-star lekin baat tho 7-star ka) :P ....

                           We pose for photos in malls and upload those pics like we went to shop clothes their fact is we go their just to timepass.. what we say as window shopping or sightseeings (:P).

                            We are those who work alot in our office but when it comes for the matter of appreciation it will be for Team Leads or other managers, we work more get less salary(Secret Funda we dont know why it happens to us)... From our child age to till now we should try hard to get even clothes our own choice.

                          And when someone are giving a gift to us we expect that should be good...(muft mein kuch bhi de dho na we'll take it).. When someone is going for trips we'll say them to get something for us from their (we expect high priced gift).. We use branded mobiles atleast by taking money from others.. full of build-up's in bus... 

                           We travel in often and get others bike ride those for our enjoyment... We love to get drench in rain go home get scoldings from everyone... We wont have separate rooms for us.. Sleep in one room that too conjusted with our families.. But day dream their as "hey one or the other day ill build such a building of my own that will be royal which will contain a separate room even for a servant.."  

                          If some movies are released we call our rich friend from one rupee coin box(b'coz our mobile wont have balance) to watch it.. as we'll offer them food and he should show us movie.. we wont even buy a chocolate to them.. as we'll tell them let the movie get finished we shall have our food.. once that movie is done we'll be in hurry and make a drama like getting call from home and leave the place... :P cunny.... our work is done we saw the movie...

                            Yes, we are in facebook, twitter, orkut.. and all most all social networking sites.. ill tell how we use free internet's why do we have office??? in some office it'll be blocked.. yes i know but why this proxy websites are??? Use those ;)......